Friday, July 10, 2009

The First Official Day!!

So it's my first full official day into my Quest for 145 and I have to say that I haven't been this excited about something in a while! Last night I got an extra boost of motivation when a very dear friend of mine (who shall simply be referred to as "The Friend" due to their request for anonymity) said that they wanted in on the bandwagon too. We talked a bit this morning and now have a plan set into place on how to acheive and motivate! No excuses this time!!

My "official" weight loss goal date has been set for April 30, 2010 (my 28th birthday). I'm hoping to reach it before then, but I didn't want to put too much pressure on myself and be miserable the entire time. According to my weight loss profile on (which is quite possibly one of the BEST weight loss community websites!), I should be aiming for 1400-1500 calories per day and I need to be burning 660 calories minimum each week. Most of the workouts I do burn around 200-250, so that should be a piece of cake! wait, make that a slice of watermelon :o)

For breakfast this morning, I indulged myself with one of my favorite healthy food discoveries, Fage 2% greek-style plain yogurt, topped with a spoonful of organic strawberry preserves. At 130 calories for the yogurt and 60 for the preserves, it was a great start to my morning. For those of you that don't know anything about greek-style yogurt, you'll want to read this. Greek yogurt not only has a much thicker consistency than regular yogurt, and a whopping 20g (!!!!) of protein in each serving! And for those of you who don't know, protein helps to keep your tummy satisfied longer, which means less hunger pangs mid-morning! If you go to the Fage website you can find a laundry list of awesome recipes and all sorts of other goodies.

My mid-morning chocolate fix came in the form of an single-serving bottle of Silk Chocolate Soy Milk. This is, unfortunately, the only form of soymilk that I can stand the taste of, but with 7g of protein and tons of vitamins and minerals, it'll do this body some good :o)

Lunch consisted of an Italian salad from Whole Foods. Not my favorite salad of theirs, but with Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, onions and a very tasty dressing, it's not too shabby.

I managed to stick with just a half of a LUNA bar for an afternoon snack......I'd never had their peanut something or other crunch bar before, so I figured it was worth a try....let me just say YUM-O!!! And the half bar was juuuuuuuust enough to take the edge off my mid-afternoon hunger :o)

I started prepping to make cheeseburgers at home for dinner on top of the stove and realized I'd run out of mayo to put on the buns, so I ended up making my own! I got this awesome recipe from a cookbook we got at our wedding shower and it was really good! Though unfortunately, because we ate dinner so late, cheeseburgers were it, nothing I'm starting to feel a little rumbly in the tumbly, but I'm just gonna call it a night and hit the sheets! Until tomorrow...

In Health...

Jenn xoxoxox


  1. I love those workouts from! I used to do them from youtube on the Wii in the living room. Now I think I'm getting my daily workout just working around the house... But housework just doesn't do much for my abs... Hopefully I can start back on them in a couple of months??? Pray for us!

  2. yeah I think you guys have enough going on for now!! xoxox
