Monday, July 13, 2009

A bit of a bumpy weekend...

If it's any indication as to how my quest for 145 went this weekend, let's just say I had the Travis Tritt song "I Had the Best of Intentions" looping through my head all weekend...*SIGH*...though I have to admit, my diet fared pretty well until Sunday night, it was the physical activity that I basically slacked on for the majority of the weekend. I know, I know..."tisk, tisk, tisk Jennifer!" I hang my head in disappointment. But, I'll let you decide for yourself how much I should be wagging the finger of disappointment at myself:

Saturday was a lazy/productive/fun day overall. I woke up around 8am-ish and poked around the house for a bit. When the hubs got home at 8:45 I made us both egg sandwhiches, of which I only ate around half of mine (and gave the rest to him of course!). After he went to bed around 9:30, I was strangely possessed by the urge to start working on the tile backsplash in my kitchen. Now, keep in mind, I am not a handy woman by any stretch of the imagination. But I did manage to put up 3 1/2 sq ft of the stuff all on my own! Try not to get too overly excited at my progress of it, but I need to wait for my brother to come over and help move my stove and show me how to use a tile cutter.

My afternoon consisted of a lovely visit to my parents house, followed by an dinner with two of my best friends at an awesome Italian place in Bordentown, NJ. Now, I can already hear you saying, "Jennifer, what on earth could you have possibly eaten there that wasn't laden with melted cheese and thrown over a bed of pasta?!" But I will have you know I had a salad with romaine lettuce, tomatoes and fresh mozzarella, topped with their house balsamic vinagerette. It was DELISH!! AND, I'll have you know that I only had 1 tiny piece of bread, so Yay (!) for me :o) 4 hours of food and laughter with two of my best girls definitely equaled an unbelieveably awesome night!

Sunday....oh, Sunday.....I had every intention of physically going to church on Sunday morning, but staying out so late and being kept awake by one of the loudest, most severe thunder and rainstorms in my recent memory, made for a Jennifer who was not easily coherced out of bed in time to make 8:30am service. Boooo on me. BUT I did log on to Liquid Church's website and watched a sermon from April on God's desire for us to live worry-free and stress-free lives. It was a powerful message that definitely put me in a relaxation state of mind for the remainder of the day. I headed back over to my mom and dad's house so that I could take full advantage of being my mom's guinea pig for the things she's learning in massage therapy school. It was a heavenly addition to my morning church lesson and I left their house much calmer, and definitely ready to take a nap.

Leaving there I headed over to my father's house for a visit. He and my step-mother just bought a house in South Carolina with the intention of retiring there soon (big time boooooooo). My step-mother has recently retired so she lives down there 80% of the time right now and they're working on selling their house up here so that my father can retire early and move down there as well. Anyway, my father had been down in SC for about 10 days and just got back yesterday so I was itching for a visit. I was also fortunate enough that my brother came over for a visit with my father, so the three of us got to hang out and celebrate my brother's 30th birthday hanging out together. I decided to take the reigns on making my brother whatever he wanted for his birthday dinner, which turned into hamburger AND hotdogs (for 3 people mind you), Velveeta mac and cheese, homemade coleslaw and grilled zucchini (my addition to the menu for an ounce of relative health in the meal). I've had pretty good self-control lately, but man-oh-man did I totally cave last night! A cheeseburger AND hotdog, mac and cheese AND coleslaw later, I was in a self-induced food coma and ready for bed. Can you believe I didn't even eat any of the zucchini I made either?!?! When I got home, it was time to watch True Blood on HBO. I had every intention of doing some sort of yoga/pilates during the show, but of course the hubs wanted to cuddle some before he left for work (how on earth could I say no to that!!) so by the time the show was over, he was leaving for work and I was going to bed.

So my weekend of housework, laundry, salads and exercise didn't exactly come into fruition but...I had the best of intentions.

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