Friday, July 17, 2009

Feeling back to normal (-ish)!

So after spending Tuesday through Thursday feeling dead to the world, I'm finally back to my normal self and actually feeling pretty good! The hubs and I had purchased advance tickets to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter 6 on Tuesday night, so I ended up taking Wednesday off of work....and thank goodness for that too!! When I got home from work on Tuesday evening, I attempted to take a nap for a couple of hours to prep for being up WAAAAAY past my bedtime, but due to some severe pain in my upper back, was completely unable to fall asleep, so instead I just laid in pain on the floor of my living room...lovely. But we did make it to the theater, albeit both of us with migraines, so you can imagine how we both did in a movie theater full of teenagers :o) Though if one good thing did come out of my horrible headache, it did completely oblierate any desire I had for movie theater food. So what is normally the best movie theater popcorn ever (we go to the Cherry Hill Lowes theater), actually made me want to puke, lol....hey, I'll take self-control in whatever form I can get it! hahahaha

Wednesday turned out to be a rather productive day despite how badly I felt. I managed to drag myself to Target to pick up some stuff for the cats and also got some organizational stuff. That organizational stuff led me to finally organize our walk-in closet in our bedroom. We can finally see the floor!! And all the lifting and moving sure did give me a workout...not exactly a cardio intensive workout, but hey, consider how awful I was feeling, it was certainly better than nothing!!! But I did discover the new Lean Cuisine Sweet Asian Potstickers meal, which is VERY tasty and low in calories! woot!!! And did I mention that tortilla chips and organic salsa are my new best low-cal, fat free friends?!?!

Wednesday night I started a new medication, which apparantly I need to be takin earlier in the evening because it took every ounce of my being to get myself out of bed on Thursday! Every second of the first half of Thursday, I just wanted to crawl under my desk at work and fall back asleep. It was quite awful. Fortunately after about 5 tall glasses of ice water, I was feeling much perkier by the time 5 o'clock rolled around, lol. The hubby and I went over to my father's house for a visit after work that night. Since I haven't been grocery shopping in waaaay too long, we stopped at the local WaWa to pick up dinner. Much to my very pleasant surprise, their sandwhich counter makes fresh salads!!! For 5 bucks I got a rather large salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, dried cranberries, bell peppers, sunflower seeds and a small scoop of chicken salad!! With no salad dressing (which is my new preffered way to eat salads), it came in at under 500 calories!! I like it so much that I'm probably going to get another for lunch today!!! AND they have the best apple slices with caramel dip all in one container for 200's the perfect mid-morning snack!!

Tonight I've got a family birthday party, so wish me luck that I don't cave into the chocolate cake!!! Well, maybe just a tiny forkful of my hubby's :o) This weekend I will be catching up on the exercise I missed out on this week and will be having my first official "weigh in" on Saturday...eek!! Fingers crossed the scale goes in the right direction!! xoxox

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